Feature: #103437 - Introduce site sets

See forge#103437


Site sets ship parts of site configuration as composable pieces. They are intended to deliver settings, TypoScript, TSconfig and reference enabled content blocks for the scope of a site.

Extensions can provide multiple sets in order to ship presets for different sites or subsets (think of frameworks) where selected features are exposed as a subset (example: typo3/seo-xml-sitemap).

A set is defined in an extension's subfolder in Configuration/Sets/, for example EXT:my_extension/Configuration/Sets/MySet/config.yaml.

The folder name in Configuration/Sets/ is arbitrary, significant is the name defined in config.yaml. The name uses a vendor/name scheme by convention, and should use the same vendor as the containing extension. It may differ if needed for compatibility reasons (e.g. when sets are moved to other extensions). If an extension provides exactly one set that should have the same name as defined in composer.json.

The config.yaml for a set that is composed of three subsets looks as follows:

name: my-vendor/my-set
label: My Set

# Load TypoScript, TSconfig and settings from dependencies
  - some-namespace/slider
  - other-namespace/fancy-carousel

Sets are applied to sites via dependencies array in site configuration:

base: 'http://example.com/'
rootPageId: 1
  - my-vendor/my-set

Site sets can also be edited via the backend module Site Management > Sites.

A list of available site sets can be retrieved with the console command bin/typo3 site:sets:list.

Settings definitions

Sets can define settings definitions which contain more metadata than just a value: They contain UI-relevant options like label, description, category and tags and types like int, bool, string, stringlist, text or color. These definitions are placed in settings.definitions.yaml next to the site set file config.yaml.

The description can make use of markdown syntax for richtext formatting.

    label: 'My example baz setting'
    description: 'Configure `baz` to be used in `bar`.'
    type: int
    default: 5

Settings for subsets

Settings for subsets (e.g. to configure settings in declared dependencies) can be shipped via settings.yaml when placed next to the set file config.yaml.

Note that default values for settings provided by the set do not need to be defined here, as defaults are to be provided within settings.definitions.yaml.

Here is an example where the setting styles.content.defaultHeaderType — as provided by typo3/fluid-styled-content — is configured via settings.yaml:

    defaultHeaderType: 1

This setting will be exposed as site setting whenever the set my-vendor/my-set is applied to a site configuration.

Hidden sets

Sets may be hidden from the backend set selection in Site Management > Sites and the console command bin/typo3 site:sets:list by adding a hidden flag to the config.yaml definition:

name: my-vendor/my-helperset
label: A helper Set that is not visible inside the GUI
hidden: true

Integrators may choose to hide existing sets from the list of available sets for backend users via User TSConfig, in case only a curated list of sets shall be selectable:

options.sites.hideSets := addToList(typo3/fluid-styled-content)

The Site Management > Sites GUI will not show hidden sets, but makes one exception if a hidden set has already been applied to a site (e.g. by manual modification of config.yaml). In this case a set marked as hidden will be shown in the list of currently activated sets (that means it can be introspected and removed via backend UI).


Sites can be composed of sets where relevant configuration, templates, assets and setting definitions are combined in a central place and applied to sites as one logical volume.

Sets have dependency management and therefore allow sharing code between multiple TYPO3 sites and extensions in a flexible way.