Important: #103485 - Provide lib.parseFunc via ext:frontend

See forge#103485


The lib.parseFunc and lib.parseFunc_RTE functions render HTML from Rich Text Fields of TYPO3. While direct interaction with these libraries is now uncommon, they control output of the <f:format.html> ViewHelper.

Previously, the libraries were available only through content rendering definitions like fluid_styled_content, the bootstrap_package or your own.

The <f:format.html> ViewHelper requires a parseFunc to function and will throw an exception if none is provided. With the shift towards self-contained content elements, also known as content blocks, the need to include a separate rendering definition is eliminated. The frontend now provides a base version of the libraries, which are now always available in the frontend context.

The libraries, are loaded early in the TypoScript chain, ensuring that all existing overrides continue to work as before, without the need for a basic parseFunc definition.