Feature: #102422 - Introduce CacheDataCollector Api
See forge#102422
A new API has been introduced to collect cache tags and their corresponding lifetime. This API is used in TYPO3 to accumulate cache tags from page cache and content object cache.
The API is implemented as a new PSR-7 request attribute
, which makes this API independent from TSFE.
Every cache tag has a lifetime. The minimum lifetime is calculated
from all given cache tags. By default, the lifetime of a cache tag is set to
, so it expires many years in the future. API users must
therefore define the lifetime of a cache tag individually.
The current TSFE API is deprecated in favor of the new API, as the current cache tag API implementation does not allow to set lifetime and extension authors had to work around it.
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\CacheTag;
$cacheDataCollector = $request->getAttribute('frontend.cache.collector');
new CacheTag('tx_myextension_mytable', 86400)
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\CacheTag;
$cacheDataCollector = $request->getAttribute('frontend.cache.collector');
new CacheTag('tx_myextension_mytable_123', 3600),
new CacheTag('tx_myextension_mytable_456', 2592000)
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\CacheTag;
$cacheDataCollector = $request->getAttribute('frontend.cache.collector');
new CacheTag('tx_myextension_mytable_123')
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\CacheTag;
$cacheDataCollector = $request->getAttribute('frontend.cache.collector');
new CacheTag('tx_myextension_mytable_123'),
new CacheTag('tx_myextension_mytable_456')
$cacheDataCollector = $request->getAttribute('frontend.cache.collector');
$cacheDataCollector = $request->getAttribute('frontend.cache.collector');
The following event should only be used in code that has no access to the
request attribute
, it is marked
and may vanish: It designed to allow passive cache-data signaling, without
exactly knowing the current context and not having the current request at hand.
It is not meant to allow for cache tag interception or extension.
new AddCacheTagEvent(
new CacheTag('tx_myextension_mytable_123', 3600)