Breaking: #62416 - Removal of deprecated code in sysext core¶
See forge#62416
has been removed. Use ->clear_
instead. Alternatively you can
call ->register
from a hook to not immediately clear the cache but register clearing after DataHandler operation finishes.
has been removed, please use the cache manager directly.
The hook ['t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php']['clearAllCache_additionalTables'] has been removed, use the caching framework with database backend instead.
All connection parameters (host, username, password, db) for methods sql_connect(), sql_select_db() and connectDB() have been removed.
The globally defined REQUIRED_EXTENSIONS constant has been removed.
Parameter classPath of insertModuleFunction() is now unused. Leverage autoloading instead.
Removed PHP classes¶
- TYPO3CMSCoreResourceServiceIndexerService has been removed without replacement. Indexing is done internally.
- TYPO3CMSCoreCompatibilityGlobalObjectDeprecationDecorator has been removed without replacement. Do not use $GLOBALS['typo3CacheManager'] and $GLOBALS['typo3CacheFactory'] anymore, use GeneralUtility::makeInstance() instead.
Removed PHP class members¶
- AbstractUserAuthentication::$cookieId has been removed. Use isCookieSet() instead.
Removed PHP methods¶
- GeneralUtility::array_merge_recursive_overrule() has been removed. Use ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule() instead. WARNING: The new method changed its signature and does not return the first parameter anymore.
- GeneralUtility::htmlspecialchars_decode() has been removed in favor of the native PHP htmlspecialchars_decode() function.
- CategoryRegistry::get() has been removed. Use isRegistered() instead.
- CategoryRegistry::applyTca() has been removed. The functionality is obsolete.
- DataHandler::clear_cache() has been removed. Use ->clear_cacheCmd instead. Alternatively you can call ->registerPageCacheClearing() from a hook to not immediately clear the cache but register clearing after DataHandler operation finishes.
- DataHandler::internal_clearPageCache() has been removed, use the cache manager directly.
- FileRepository::findByUid() has been removed without replacement.
- FileRepository::addToIndex() has been removed without replacement. Indexing is done transparently.
- FileRepository::getFileIndexRecordsForFolder() has been removed. Use FileIndexRepository::findByFolder() instead.
- FileRepository::getFileIndexRecord() has been removed. Use FileIndexRepository::findOneByFileObject() instead.
- FileRepository::findBySha1Hash() has been removed. Use FileIndexRepository::findByContentHash() instead.
- FileRepository::update() has been removed. Use FileIndexRepository::update() instead.
- ResourceStorage::getFolderByIdentifier() is replaced by getFolder().
- ResourceStorage::getFileByIdentifier() is replaced by getFileInfoByIdentifier().
- ResourceStorage::getFileList() is replaced by getFilesInFolder().
- ResourceStorage::getFolderList() has been removed. Use getFoldersInFolder() instead.
- ResourceStorage::fetchFolderListFromDriver() has been removed. Use getFoldersInFolder() instead.
- BasicFileUtility::getTotalFileInfo() has been removed. Use ResourceStorage instead via $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getFileStorages()
- BasicFileUtility::checkFileNameLen() has been removed. Use ResourceStorage instead via $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getFileStorages()
- BasicFileUtility::isPathValid() has been removed in favor of GeneralUtility::validPathStr().
- BasicFileUtility::blindPath() has been removed without replacement.
- BasicFileUtility::findTempFolder() has been removed without replacement.
- BasicFileUtility::rmDoubleSlash() has been removed without replacement.
- BasicFileUtility::cleanDirectoryName() has been removed. Use PathUtility::getCanonicalPath() instead.
- ExtendedFileUtility::init_actionPerms() is replaced with setActionPermissions().
- ExtendedFileUtility::printLogErrorMessages() is replaced with pushErrorMessagesToFlashMessageQueue().
- ExtendedFileUtility::findRecycler() has been removed. Use ResourceStorage instead.
- RteHtmlParser::rteImageStorageDir() and SelectImage::getRTEImageStorageDir() are removed. Use $fileFactory->getFolderObjectFromCombinedIdentifier($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['RTE_imageStorageDir']); instead.
- Locales::getTerLocales() has been removed without replacement.
- Locales::getTerLocaleDependencies() has been removed without replacement.
- ExtensionManagementUtility::getRequiredExtensionListArray() has been removed without replacement.
- ExtensionManagementUtility::writeNewExtensionList() has been removed without replacement.
- PhpOptionsUtility::isSqlSafeModeEnabled() has been removed without replacement.
- ClassLoader::getAliasForClassName() is replaced with getAliasesForClassName().
A call to any of the aforementioned methods by third party code will result in a fatal PHP error.
Affected installations¶
Any installation which contains third party code still using these deprecated methods.
Replace the calls with the suggestions outlined above.