Deprecation: #62988 - Deprecate unused/non-unified DocumentTemplate code

See forge#62988


Several functions within DocumentTemplate are not encouraged to be used anymore.

The hard-coded background image setting via $TBE_STYLES['background'] is removed and its usage is deprecated.

Additionally, the font-wrapping methods rfw() and dfw() are deprecated. The according CSS was removed from the core.

The method collapseableSection(), which was used solely by the reports module for ages in a buggy way, is also deprecated in favor of Bootstrap collapseables and localstorage.


The core does not use this functionality anymore.

Affected installations

All installations which use the setting $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['background'] or any of the functions:

  • dfw()
  • rfw()
  • collapseableSection()


  • Use CSS directly instead of $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['background']
  • Use the CSS class text-muted instead of the method dfw()
  • Use the CSS class text-danger instead of the method rfw()
  • Use HTML bootstrap classes, localStorage etc. instead of collapseableSection()