Feature: #63729 - API for Twitter Bootstrap modals

See forge#63729


Actions that require a users' attention must be visualized by modal windows. TWBS provides those, but extension authors or core developers must take care of its creation and handling themselves.

This API provides a basis to create modal windows with severity representation. For a better UX, if actions (buttons) are attached to the modal, one button must be a positive action. This button should get a btnClass and set as active.

Modals should be used rarely and only for confirmations. For information the TYPO3.Flashmessage API should be used. For complex content, like forms or a lot of information, please use normal pages.



The API provides only two public methods:

  1. TYPO3.Modal.confirm(title, content, severity, buttons)
  2. TYPO3.Modal.dismiss()

Button Settings

Name DataType Mandatory Description
text string Yes The text rendered into the button.
trigger function Yes Callback that's triggered on button click.
active bool   Marks the button as active. If true, the button gets the focus.
btnClass string   The css class for the button


It is also possible to use data-attributes to trigger a modal. e.g. on an anchor element, which prevents the default behavior.

Name Description
data-title the title text for the modal
data-content the content text for the modal
data-severity the severity for the modal, default is info (see TYPO3.Severity.*)
data-href the target URL, default is the href attribute of the element
data-button-close-text button text for the close/cancel button
data-button-ok-text button text for the ok button

class="t3js-modal-trigger" marks the element as modal trigger


A basic modal without any specials can be created this way:

TYPO3.Modal.confirm('The title of the modal', 'This the body of the modal');

A modal as warning with button:

TYPO3.Modal.confirm('Warning', 'You may break the internet!', TYPO3.Severity.warning, [
		text: 'Break it',
		active: true,
		trigger: function() {
			// break the net
	}, {
		text: 'Abort!',
		trigger: function() {

A modal as warning:

TYPO3.Modal.confirm('Warning', 'You may break the internet!', TYPO3.Severity.warning);

A modal triggered on an anchor element:

<a href="delete.php" class="t3js-modal-trigger" data-title="Delete" data-content="Really delete?">delete</a>