Feature: #70332 - EXT:form - Add HTML4 / HTML5 attributes to the wizard
See forge#70332
The form wizard should support a wide set of attributes. At the moment the wizard is able to set some attributes, but this attribute-set is not complete and does not include HTML5 attributes.
The patch extends the wizard to set all universal HTML and HTML5 attributes based on selfhtml documentation version 8.1.2.
Currently supported attributes
accept, acceptcharset, accesskey, action, alt, checked, class, cols,
dir, disabled, enctype, id, label, lang, maxlength, method, multiple,
name, placeholder, readonly, rows, selected, size, src, style, tabindex,
title, type, value
New attributes
autocomplete, autofocus, contenteditable, contextmenu, draggable,
dropzone, height, hidden, inputmode, list, max, min, minlength,
novalidate, pattern, required, selection
The type attribute will be extended with the following HTML5 types:
color, date, datetime, datetime-
Each element is now able to set the HTML universal attributes and element specific attributes.
Universal attributes are:
accesskey, class, contenteditable, contextmenu, dir, draggable,
dropzone, hidden, id, lang, spellcheck, style, tabindex, title,
Currently supported attributes
accept, accept-
New attributes
Universal attributes + accept, accept-
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, alt, class, dir, disabled, id, lang, name, style, tabindex,
title, type, value
New attributes
Universal attributes + autofocus, disabled, name, type, value
Currently supported attributes
class, disabled, id, lang, multiple, name, size, style, tabindex,
New attributes
Universal attributes + autofocus, disabled, multiple, name,
required, size
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, class, cols, dir, disabled, id, lang, name, placeholder,
readonly, rows, style, tabindex, title
New attributes
Universal attributes + autofocus, cols, disabled, inputmode,
maxlength, minlength, name, placeholder, readonly, required, rows,
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, alt, class, dir, disabled, id, lang, name, style, tabindex,
title, type, value
New attributes
Universal attributes + autofocus, disabled, name, type, value
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, alt, class, dir, disabled, id, lang, name, style, tabindex,
title, type, value
New attributes
Universal attributes + autofocus, checked, disabled, name, readonly,
required, type, value
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, alt, class, dir, disabled, id, lang, maxlength, name,
placeholder, readonly, size, style, tabindex, title, type, value
New attributes
Universal attributes + autocomplete, autofocus, disabled, maxlength,
minlength, name, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, size, type,
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, alt, class, dir, disabled, id, lang, name, size, style,
tabindex, title, type
New attributes
Universal attributes + accept, autofocus, disabled, multiple name,
readonly, required, type, value
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, alt, class, dir, disabled, id, lang, name, style, tabindex,
title, type, value
New attributes
Universal attributes + autofocus, disabled, name, type, value
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, alt, class, dir, disabled, id, lang, maxlength, name,
placeholder, readonly, size, style, tabindex, title, type, value
New attributes
Universal attributes + autocomplete, autofocus, disabled, inputmode,
list, maxlength, minlength, name, pattern, placeholder, readonly,
required, size, type, value
Currently supported attributes
accesskey, alt, class, dir, disabled, id, lang, name, style,
tabindex, title, type, value
New attributes
Universal attributes + autofocus, checked, disabled, name, readonly,
required, type, value