Breaking: #69863 - Removed deprecated code from EXT:fluid

See forge#69863


Removed deprecated code from EXT:fluid

The ChangeLog file has been removed.

The renderMode option in FlashMessagesViewHelper has been removed.

The following methods have been removed:

  • StandaloneView::setLayoutRootPath
  • StandaloneView::getLayoutRootPath
  • StandaloneView::setPartialRootPath
  • StandaloneView::getPartialRootPath
  • AbstractFormFieldViewHelper::getValue

The following class has been removed:



Using the methods above directly in any third party extension will result in a fatal error.

Relying on the renderMode option might lead to different frontend output.

Affected Installations

Instances which use calls to the methods above, use the removed IconViewHelper or use the renderMode option in FlashMessagesViewHelper.


  • For StandaloneView::setLayoutRootPath use StandaloneView::setLayoutRootPaths instead.
  • For StandaloneView::getLayoutRootPath use StandaloneView::getLayoutRootPaths instead.
  • For StandaloneView::setPartialRootPath use StandaloneView::setPartialRootPaths instead.
  • For StandaloneView::getPartialRootPath use StandaloneView::setPartialRootPaths instead.

Keep in mind that these methods expect an array instead of a string.

For IconViewHelper use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\ViewHelpers\IconViewHelper instead.