Breaking: #72427 - Removed TypoScript-related methods and properties
See forge#72427
The following methods and properties have been removed:
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Configuration Form:: ext_ get Key Image () TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Extended Template Service:: ext_ no Special Chars On Labels TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Extended Template Service:: make Htmlspecialchars () TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Extended Template Service:: ext_ get Key Image () TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Template Service:: temp Path TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Template Service:: wrap () TYPO3\
CMS\ T3editor\ T3editor:: is Enabled () TYPO3\
CMS\ Tstemplate\ Controller\ Typo Script Template Object Browser Module Function Controller:: verify_ TSobjects ()
The TypoScript conditions "browser", "version", "device", "system" and "useragent" have been removed.
Calling the methods above will result in a PHP fatal error.
Using the removed TypoScript conditions will have no effect anymore.