Breaking: #75355 - FlexForm-related options removed
See forge#75355
The following options regarding FlexForm handling have been removed.
[TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS] [BE] [nice Flex Form XMLtags] $GLOBALS
[TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS] [BE] [compact Flex Form XML]
Storing FlexForms in the database via the TYPO3 Core API does not compact the XML files anymore (it now always uses 4 spaces for indentation inside the XML) and also always uses meaningful tags so it can be validated with DTDs.
Having the options set will result in new/updated FlexForm data being written with spaces instead of tabs and with meaningful tags while keeping full backwards compatibility when reading.
This was the default for new installations already, but introduced due to legacy installations (pre 4.0) that dealt with FlexForms back in 2004.
Affected Installations
Any installation having these properties set in their Local
Any extension evaluating these parameters on its own.