Deprecation: #71917 - Deprecate the argument 'hsc' for getLL, getLLL, sL and pi_getLL

See forge#71917


The parameter $hsc within the following methods of \TYPO3\CMS\Lang\LanguageService has been marked as deprecated:

  • getLL()
  • getLLL()
  • sL()

The parameter $hsc within the following method of \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin has been marked as deprecated:

  • pi_getLL()


Directly or indirectly using any of the methods getLL(), getLLL(), sL() or pi_getLL() with the parameter $hsc will trigger a deprecation log entry.

Affected Installations

Any installation with a third-party extension calling one of the methods in its PHP code.


If the return value of these methods is output in HTML context use htmlspecialchars directly to properly escape the content.