Breaking: #78192 - Refactor click menu (context menu)

See forge#78192


Due to the refactoring and unification of the click/context-menu handling in the TYPO3 Backend, a few breaking changes have been introduced.

Classes removed

  • \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ClickMenu\ClickMenu
  • \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ContextMenuAction
  • \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ContextMenuActionCollection
  • \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\Pagetree\ContextMenuDataProvider
  • \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\Pagetree\Extdirect\ContextMenuConfiguration
  • \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\ClickMenuController
  • \TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Clickmenu (replaced by new hook implementation: \TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Hook\ContextMenuModifyItemsHook)
  • \TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Hook\ContextMenuDisableItemsHook
  • \TYPO3\CMS\Version\ClickMenu\VersionClickMenu

ExtJS component removed

  • The TYPO3.Components.PageTree.ContextMenu component defined in contextmenu.js has been removed.
  • The contextMenuProvider property as well as enableContextMenu and openContextMenu methods of the TYPO3.Components.PageTree.Tree component have been removed.


Migrate your code to a requireJS module for custom click-menu actions.

ClickMenu requireJS component removed

The TYPO3/CMS/Backend/ClickMenu requireJS component (ClickMenu.js) has been removed.


Use the new requireJS component: TYPO3/CMS/Backend/ContextMenu.

Page TSConfig change

The pagetree context-menu configuration in Page TSConfig has been removed (except for the disableItems part). The list of available menu items is now provided by ItemProviders e.g. \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\PageProvider .

The TSConfig options for disabling click-menu items has been streamlined. Also some items names have changed (e.g. new_wizard is now called newWizard, db_list is now openListModule). Refer to the provider class for correct naming.


Migrate TSConfig from:

options.contextMenu.folderList.disableItems to options.contextMenu.table.sys_file.disableItems

options.contextMenu.folderTree.disableItems to options.contextMenu.table.sys_file.tree.disableItems

options.contextMenu.pageList.disableItems to options.contextMenu.table.pages.disableItems

options.contextMenu.pageTree.disableItems to options.contextMenu.table.pages.tree.disableItems

Hooks removed

The following two hooks have been removed:


Use the new ItemsProvider API to add or modify click-menu items. See existing usage of the API in the core \TYPO3\CMS\Filelist\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\FileProvider or \TYPO3\CMS\Beuser\ContextMenu\ItemProvider.

Legacy Tree

Support for drag & drop menu for LegacyTree.js of pages has been dropped.

Changed markup (data attributes) for click menu

  • data-listFrame has been replaced with the optional attribute data-context attribute. Context is set to "tree" for click-menus triggered from trees.
  • for files, data-table now contains the real table name "sys_file" while before it contained the combined identifier e.g. 1:/fileadmin/file.jpg.
    the data-uid attribute now contains the combined identifier of the file (before it was empty). Thus the data-uid attribute value is not always an int.
  • the class which triggers the context-menu has changed from t3-js-clickmenutrigger to t3js-contextmenutrigger


To trigger click-menus for files, use the correct class-attribute as well as the table and uid data attributes. Replace data-listFrame="0" with data-context="tree", data-listFrame="1" can be removed (it's a default context now).


Instantiating the PHP class will result in a fatal PHP error. Accessing removed JavaScript properties will result in a JavaScript error.

Removed hooks will not influence the menu rendering process.

Affected Installations

Any installation using the removed PHP classes, JS components or hooks.


Adapt your code to the new click menu API.