Important: #82794 - Added config.sys_language_mode = content_fallback;3,2,pageNotFound
See forge#82794
If a translation (language UID 5) has a TypoScript configuration to
the definition is that if this page is not
available in this translation (language = 5) then check if a translation for 3
and after that 2
However, if none of the page translations is available, the fallback to 0
always applies.
On a set up like:
- language = 0 is german
- language = 2 is english-worldwide
- language = 3 is english-US
- language = 5 is russian
You would not want to fall back to german AT ALL.
It is now possible to define a special keyword called page
to not fall back to
if any other fallbacks do not work - so a 404 error page is thrown.