Deprecation: #81217 - TSFE-related language methods
See forge#81217
The main class for generating frontend output (TypoScriptFrontendController) has been streamlined to use the same API within LanguageService.
Therefore the following methods within TypoScriptFrontendController have been marked as deprecated:
LLfile () get
LLL () init
LLvars ()
Calling any of the PHP methods above will trigger a deprecation warning.
Affected Installations
Any TYPO3 installation calling custom frontend code with the methods above.
Use Typo
for resolving language labels in the language
of the Frontend rendering engine as a replacement for get
If you are not doing anything special on language initialization, the call to init
can likely be dropped. If you need to influence language initialization yourself, you can use the
hooks $GLOBALS
For doing special logic, it is recommend to set up a custom instance of Language
which holds all functionality directly.
For example you may then use $language
instead of read