Feature: #81901 - Extend T3editor

See forge#81901


Since the refactoring of the system extension t3editor, custom modes (used for syntax highlighting) and addons can be registered now.


To do this, extensions may have now these two files to feed T3editor:

  • Configuration/Backend/T3editor/Addons.php
  • Configuration/Backend/T3editor/Modes.php

Both files return an array, as known as in TCA and Backend Routes, for example.

Register an addon

To register an addon, the following code may be used:

'my/addon' => [
    'module' => 'cm/addon/my/addon',
    'cssFiles' => [
    'options' [
        'foobar' => 'baz',
    'modes' => ['htmlmixed', 'xml'],
Key Type Description
<identifier> string Represents the unique identifier of the module (my/addon in this example)
module string Mandatory: Holds the RequireJS namespace of the CodeMirror module. For custom modules placed in an extension, the known TYPO3/CMS/Extension/Module namespace must be used
cssFiles array Holds all CSS files that must be loaded for the module
options array Options that are used by the addon
modes array "Jails" the addon to specific modes. This means, the module is only loaded if any of the given modes is used

Register a mode

To register a mode, the following code may be used:

'css' => [
    'module' => 'cm/mode/css/css',
    'extensions' => ['css'],
Key Type Description
<identifier> string Represents the unique identifier and format code of the mode (css in this example). The format code is used in TCA to define the CodeMirror mode to be used
module string Mandatory: Holds the RequireJS namespace of the CodeMirror mode. For custom modules placed in an extension, the known TYPO3/CMS/Extension/Mode namespace must be used
extensions array Binds the mode to specific file extension. This is important for using T3editor in the Filelist module.
default bool If set, the mode is used as fallback if no sufficient mode is available. By factory default, the default mode is html

CodeMirror delivers a lot more modes and addons than registered in T3editor by default. More supported addons and modes are available at:


After clearing the system caches of TYPO3, T3editor checks every extension for the files Configuration/Backend/T3editor/Addons.php and Configuration/Backend/T3editor/Modes.php. The complete configuration of both is built and stored in the cache afterwards.

Affected Installations

All installations are affected.