Deprecation: #84195 - Protected methods and properties in EditDocumentController
See forge#84195
This file is about third party usage (consumer that call the class as well as
signals or hooks depending on it) of \TYPO3\
A series of class properties has been set to protected. They will throw deprecation warnings if called public from outside:
Vals $override
Vals $columns
Only $return
Url $close
Doc $do
Save $return
Edit Conf - [not scanned]
Url $R_
URL_ parts $R_
URL_ getvars $store
Array $store
Url $store
Url Md5 $doc
Dat $doc
Handler - [not scanned]
- [not scanned]
Cmd $redirect
New Page Id $pop
View Id $pop
View Id_ add Params $view
Url $rec
Title $no
- [not scanned]
clause - [not scanned]
URI $pageinfo
Title $first
El $error
C $new
C $view
Id $view
Id_ add Params $mod
TSconfig $dont
Store Document Ref
Some properties are set to @internal
and may vanish or be set to protected in v10 without further notice:
- [not scanned]
All methods not used as entry points by \TYPO3\
will be
removed or set to protected in v10 and throw deprecation warnings if used from a third party:
Init () do
Process Data () process
Data () - [not scanned]
() - [note scanned]
() make
Edit Form () compile
Form () short
Cut Link () open
In New Window Link () language
Switch () localization
Redirect () get
Languages () fix
WSversioning In Edit Conf () get
Record For Edit () compile
Store Dat () get
New Icon Mode () close
Document () set
Document ()
Two slots retrieve a parent object that will throw deprecation warnings if properties are read or
methods are called. They receive a Server
argument as second
argument instead:
CMS\ Backend\ Controller\ Edit Document Controller:: pre Init After TYPO3\
CMS\ Backend\ Controller\ Edit Document Controller:: pre Init
Calling one of the above methods or accessing one of the above properties on an instance of
will throw a deprecation warning in v9 and a PHP fatal in v10.
Affected Installations
The extension scanner will find most usages, but may also find some false positives. The most
common property and method names like $data
are not registered and will not be found
if an extension uses that on an instance of Edit
. In general all extensions
that set properties or call methods except main
are affected.
Installations may alse be affected, if the two signals
are used and the slot write to or reads from first argument "parent object".
In general, extensions should not instantiate and re-use controllers of the core. Existing
usages should be rewritten to be free of calls like these.
Registered slots for the two signals pre
and init
should read
(not write!) from new second argument $request
Slots that currently write to "parent object" should instead be turned into a PSR-15 middleware
to manipulate $request
before Edit
is called.