Important: #86577 - Query parameters are now included in canonicalized URLs

See forge#86577


Canonicalized URLs include all query parameters which are needed to define what content to show on a page. These URLs are used for the canonical URL and the hreflang URLs. This is especially important with for example detail pages of records. The query parameters are crucial to show the right content.

Possibility to define query parameters to be included in canonicalized URLs

By default only parameters that are needed to calculate the cHash are included in the canonicalized URLs. If you want to add your own parameters that should be included in those URLs, you can use the newly introduced configuration option $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['additionalCanonicalizedUrlParameters'] . You can add your own query parameters by adding them as elements of the array.

An example:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['additionalCanonicalizedUrlParameters'] => [

This example will add query parameters queryParam1 and queryParam2 to the canonicalized URLs if they are provided.