Feature: #86303 - Variants for site's base

See forge#86303 See forge#87831


The site configuration allows to specify variants of the site's base. Take the following example: The base of a site is set to https://www.domain.tld but the staging environment uses https://staging.domain.tld and the local development uses https://www.domain.local.

The expression language feature is used to define which variant is taken into account.

Update since TYPO3 9.5.5:

This is also possible for site languages (however only via editing the respective config.yaml file manually, not via the TYPO3 Backend yet). See example yaml file below.


The base of a site can be changed depending on a condition. Typical examples are:

  • applicationContext == "Production": Check the application context
  • getenv("mycontext") == "production: Check a custom environment variable

This is an example where the default site has base variants, but also a translation (in this case German) has a custom domain or sub-domain instead of a first part of the path segment of the URL.

rootPageId: 1
base: 'https://www.example.com/'
    base: 'https://example.local/'
    condition: 'applicationContext == "Development"'
    base: 'https://staging.example.com/'
    condition: 'applicationContext == "Production/Sydney"'
    base: 'https://testing.example.com/'
    condition: 'applicationContext == "Testing/Paris"'
    title: 'Global'
    enabled: true
    languageId: '0'
    base: /
    typo3Language: default
    locale: en_UK.UTF-8
    iso-639-1: en
    navigationTitle: English
    hreflang: gb-en
    direction: ''
    flag: gb
    title: 'DE'
    enabled: true
    languageId: '1'
    base: https://example.de/'
        base: 'https://de.example.local/'
        condition: 'applicationContext == "Development"'
        base: 'https://staging.example.de/'
        condition: 'applicationContext == "Production/Sydney"'
        base: 'https://testing.example.de/'
        condition: 'applicationContext == "Testing/Paris"'
    typo3Language: de
    locale: de_DE.UTF-8
    iso-639-1: de
    navigationTitle: Deutsch
    hreflang: de-de
    direction: ''
    fallbackType: strict
    flag: de