
What Does it Do?

The SAV Library Plus is the library required to run extension generated by means of the SAV Library Kickstarter when the library type plus is used.

The SAV Library Kickstarter generates extensions without any PHP coding, thanks to simple configuration parameters. It includes:

  • Creation of multiple views of the data,
  • Frontend input of the data,
  • Views with folders,
  • Simple interface in the Kickstarter with Context Sensitive Help,
  • Generation of emails,
  • Generation of RTF files using database tags,
  • Data export in CSV format,
  • Many other features.

The latest developments of the SAV Library Plus extension are available in GitHub ( SAV Library Plus ).


The following screenshots come from the SAV Library Examples. The example #X is related with the exentension sav_library_exampleX and is described in the tutorial #X section of this manual.

Example 1 – Creating Text and Image

List View


Single View


Edit View


Example 3 – Creating Folders, MM Table in a Subform

Single View


Edit View


Example 4 – Double-Window Selector, Table in a Subform Which is not in Relation With Items

Single View


Edit View


Example 6 – Email and RTF

Edit View


Example 7 – Guest Book (Multiple Forms)

Guest Form (Edit View)


Guest Inputs Validation (List and Edit Views)


List View


Teaser View


Example 8 – Fe Users Admin and Export

List View of the ADMIN Form With Export Icon


Export View Using a Previously Saved Configuration


Example 9 – XML Graph
