How to?

How to Display a Title in the Upper Icon Bar of the View?

A title can be associated with each view. It is defined in the Title bar section of the views. Text, language markers or field markers can be used.

For example, if you use $$$formTitle$$$ in the Title bar field, this language marker will be replaced by its definition in the locallang.xlf file. In this example, formTitle is defined as CD Collection for the default language and Liste de CD for the French language. Therefore, the output becomes:


Now, if you use ###artist### - ###album_title### in the Title bar section of the Single and Edit views, the markers ###artist### and ###album_title### will be replaced by the respective values of the field artist and album_title for the current record. If these markers are used in the Title bar section of the List view, they will be replaced by the label associated with the fields. Thus, the output is the following for the Single view:


How to Display the Labels Associated With Each Field in the Title Bar?

As explain above, field markers used in List view are replaced by the label associated with the fields. Therefore, if the Title bar section is the following:

   <li class="artist">###artist###</li>
   <li class="title">###album_title###</li>
   <li class="date">###date_of_purchase###</li>
   <li class="category">###category###</li>
   <li class="image">###coverimage###</li>

The title bar becomes:


How to Change the Order of the Item List by Clicking on the Label in the Title Bar?

For example, assume that we want to change the displayed order by clicking on Artist (or Artiste if you use the french language).

  • Add the following configuration parameter in the artist field of the List view.
orderLinkInTitle = 1;
  • Add the following configuration in the WHERE Tags section of your query. Click on the plus icon to add an entry.

In this configuration, use filedname+ or fieldname- and associate the order clause you want. In general + can be used for the ascending order and - for the descending order.

By default, the displayed link will behave as a toogle between the ascending and the descending sort. However you can control the display using the property orderLinkInTitleSetup which introduces links associated with icons. For example, using orderLinkInTitleSetup = :value:ascdesc; or orderLinkInTitleSetup = asc:value:desc; will respectively provide the following outputs:


Of course, you may keep the toggle link by writing respectively orderLinkInTitleSetup = :link:ascdesc; or orderLinkInTitleSetup = asc:link:desc;.

The icon color will change depending on the sort order as shown below. In the following caption, the descending order is displayed.


How to Reorganize the Fields with Folders?

Folders may be introduced in the Single and Edit views to provide a better organization of the information. Click on the plus icon to add a folder.


In this example, two folders are defined. If the labels General and Comments are defined in the locallang.xlf file, they will be replaced by their definition in the selected language, otherwise they are used as it. Then, set a folder to each selected field of the CD Collection table for the Single view as shown below, save and generate the extension:


If you set all the fields to the folder General except the field description which is set to Comments, the following views are obtained in the frontend where the folder General and Comments have a French translation in locallang.xlf.
