Important: #93331 - Description of SelectCheckBox items

See forge#93331


Due to the introduction of grouping and sorting for TCA columns of type select in #91008, the position of the items description, also referred as "Help text" has changed in the corresponding TCA configuration. This previously led to misbehaviour when using renderType=selectCheckBox since the old position was still checked by this FormEngine element.

Adding descriptions is now working again and it will be used when configured at the correct position:

'items' => [
        'the label',
        'the value',
         // The item description must be added as the fifth argument
        'item description'

It's furthermore still possible to define an array with the title and description keys:

'items' => [
        'the label',
        'the value',
         // The item description must be added as the fifth argument
           'title' => 'Help title',
           'description' => 'Help description'

In case you are using $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['customPermOptions'] for defining custom permission options, nothing changes. The description has still to be placed at the third position in each items configuration.

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['customPermOptions'] => [
   'my_custom_field' => [
      'items' => [
         'someKey' => [
            'the label',
            'item description',