Breaking: #91066 - Move interfaces of Dashboard

See forge#91066


The interfaces of the dashboard have been moved out of the interfaces folder to be consistent with the overall TYPO3 structure.


New widget types that have implemented one or more of the interfaces of EXT:dashboard. If the namespace of those interfaces is not changed, you will get errors saying that the interfaces are not found anymore.

Affected Installations

All 3rd party extensions that created own widget types and implement one of the interfaces of EXT:dashboard should update their paths. The accepted interfaces are:

  • AdditionalCssInterface
  • AdditionalJavascriptInterface
  • ButtonProviderInterface
  • ChartDataProviderInterface
  • EventDataProviderInterface
  • ListDataProviderInterface
  • NumberWithIconDataProviderInterface
  • RequireJsModuleInterface
  • WidgetConfigurationInterface
  • WidgetInterface


The interfaces listed above have been moved from \TYPO3\CMS\Dashboard\Widgets\Interfaces to \TYPO3\CMS\Dashboard\Widgets. You need to adapt the namespaces of those interfaces in your own widgets.