Deprecation: #94316 - HTTP header manipulating methods from HttpUtility
See forge#94316
In order to properly handle PSR-7 response objects, explicit die
or exit
calls, as well as directly manipulating HTTP headers with
should be avoided. Therefore following methods from
have been marked as deprecated:
() set
Response Code () set
Response Code And Exit ()
The TYPO3 Core already provides a couple of possibilities to properly handle
such events in a PSR-7 conform way. Most of the time, a proper PSR-7 response
can be passed back to the call stack (request handler). Unfortunately there
might still be some places, inside the call stack, where it's not possible to
directly return a PSR-7 response. In such case, the
could be thrown. It will automatically be caught by a PSR-15 middleware and the
given PSR-7 response will then directly be returned, making any die
or exit
call obsolete.
The usage is as following:
// Before
HttpUtility::redirect('', HttpUtility::HTTP_STATUS_303);
// After
// Inject PSR-17 ResponseFactoryInterface
public function __construct(ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory)
$this->responseFactory = $responseFactory
// Create redirect response
$response = $this->responseFactory
->withAddedHeader('location', '')
// Return Response directly
return $reponse;
// or throw PropagateResponseException
throw new PropagateResponseException($response);
Throwing exceptions for returning an immediate PSR-7 Response is considered
as an intermediate solution only, until it's possible to return PSR-7
responses in every relevant place. Therefore, the exception is marked
as @internal
and will most likely vanish again in the future.
Calling one of those methods will trigger a PHP E_
Affected Installations
All TYPO3 installations calling those methods in custom code. The extension scanner will find all usages as strong match.
Replace all occurrences in custom extension code. Therefore, create a redirect
response with the PSR-17 ResponseFactoryInterface, and pass it back to the call
stack (request handler). In case, it's not possible to directly return a PSR-7
Response, you can use the \TYPO3\
as an intermediate solution.