Deprecation: #94762 - Deprecate JavaScript top.fsMod state
See forge#94762
The JavaScript object top.
manages the "state" for page-tree and
file-tree related contexts in the backend user-interface like this:
contained the current ("recent") page or file related identifier details were shown forfs Mod. recent Ids. web top.
contained the currently selected identifier that was highlighted in page-tree or file-treefs Mod. nav Frame Highlighted ID. web top.
contained the current mount point or file mount ("bank") used in page-tree or file-treefs Mod. current Bank
To get rid of inline JavaScript and reduce usage of JavaScript top.*
mentioned top.
has been marked as deprecated and replaced by new component
As fall-back, reading from top.
is still possible, changing
data will cause a JavaScript exception.
Affected Installations
Sites using custom modifications for JavaScript aspects in the backend user
interface relying on top.
New Module
component is capable of providing similar behavior,
corresponding state is written to session
and available for current
client user session (per browser tab).
import {ModuleStateStorage} from '../Storage/ModuleStateStorage';
let identifier: string, selection: string|null, mount: string|null;
// reading state
// -------------
const currentState = ModuleStateStorage.current('web');
identifier = top.fsMod.recentIds.web; // deprecated
identifier = currentState.identifier; // replacement
selection = top.fsMod.navFrameHighlightedID.web; // deprecated
selection = currentState.selection; // replacement
mount = top.fsMod.currentBank; // deprecated
mount = currentState.mount; // replacement
// updating state
// --------------
// ModuleStateStorage.update(module, identifier, selected, mount?)
ModuleStateStorage.update('web', 123, true, '0');
// ModuleStateStorage.updateWithCurrentMount(module, identifier, selected)
ModuleStateStorage.updateWithCurrentMount('web', 123, true);