Breaking: #98443 - Extension recordlist merged into backend

See forge#98443


The TYPO3 Core extension "recordlist" has been integrated into the Core extension "backend". Extension "recordlist" does not exist anymore, all existing functionality like the "List module" is available within the "backend" extension.


When upgrading to TYPO3 Core v12, extension "backend" replaces extension "recordlist" automatically.

The following classes have been renamed:

Affected installations

Extension "recordlist" was a hard dependency of a working TYPO3 instance and always installed. When upgrading to TYPO3 Core v12, the TYPO3 Package Manager will simply ignore the extension now.

Extension extending PHP classes or implementing interfaces of "recordlist" will continue to work, all moved classes and interfaces have been established as aliases. Extensions should update their dependencies in case they are extending or implementing specific "recordlist" functionality, the extension scanner will find possible usages.

Extensions using the LinkHandler API might need to update corresponding TCEMAIN.linkHandler.* configuration.


The "typo3/cms-recordlist" dependency can be safely removed as Composer dependency:

composer rem typo3/cms-recordlist

Extensions using classes of extension "recordlist" should use the new classes instead. Extensions supporting both TYPO3 v11 and v12 can continue to use the old class names since they have been established as aliases to the new class names. These aliases will be removed with TYPO3 Core v13.

Extensions using the \TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\LinkHandler\RecordLinkHandler as handler for a custom linkHandler should adjust corresponding TSconfig to use the new class name \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\LinkHandler\RecordLinkHandler . Corresponding service alias will be removed in TYPO3 v13.