Deprecation: #96444 - authMode select items keywords moved to index 5

See forge#96444


With the introduction of itemGroups, the array index 3 of the select items array has been shifted one position up. Before that, the index 3 was used for descriptions and index 4 for an optional keyword EXPL_ALLOW or EXPL_DENY. These are used together with 'authMode' => 'individual' to explicitly allow or deny single items.

Since descriptions now occupy the array index 4, the former usage of this index is now shifted as well one position up to index 5.


For backwards compatibility reasons, a TCA migration is in place, which will check for these special keywords and move them one index up. This will log a "TCA migration done" message in the admin tools upgrade module.

Affected Installations

All installations, which use TCA type select with authMode=individual, while defining the keywords EXPL_ALLOW or EXPL_DENY in the items array at index 4.



'columns' => [
    'aColumn' => [
        'config' => [
            'type' => 'select',
            'authMode' => 'individual',
            'items' => [
                    0 => 'Label 1',
                    1 => 'Value 1',
                    2 => null,
                    3 => null,
                    4 => 'EXPL_ALLOW',


'columns' => [
    'aColumn' => [
        'config' => [
            'type' => 'select',
            'authMode' => 'individual',
            'items' => [
                    0 => 'Label 1',
                    1 => 'Value 1',
                    2 => null,
                    3 => null,
                    4 => '', // This can be left empty
                    5 => 'EXPL_ALLOW',