Feature: #100143 - Add scheduler command to execute and list tasks

See forge#100143


The CLI command scheduler:run of EXT:scheduler offers a way to run a task using a cronjob. It also allows to run tasks if the UID of the task is known.

To make it more convenient to use the command, scheduler:list and scheduler:execute were introduced.

The scheduler:list command shows an overview of all available tasks or a given group with an option to watch and reload the list every X seconds (default every 1 second).


# List all tasks in group 1 and group 2 and watch for changes every second.
vendor/bin/typo3 scheduler:list --group 1 --group 2 --watch

# List all tasks without a group and watch for changes every 2 seconds.
vendor/bin/typo3 scheduler:list --group 0 --watch 2

# Same as above with shortcut parameter
vendor/bin/typo3 scheduler:list -g 0 -w 2

The scheduler:execute command displays a list of groups and available tasks for the selection. If a group is selected all tasks within this group are executed.


# Run alls tasks without a group and task 8
vendor/bin/typo3 scheduler:execute --task g:0 --task 8

# Same as above with shortcut parameter
vendor/bin/typo3 scheduler:execute -t g:0 -t 8


The new commands scheduler:list and scheduler:execute enable the user to manage and run tasks without leaving the terminal.