Deprecation: #101793 - DataHandler checkStoredRecords properties
See forge#101793
The backend Data
had a functionality to verify written records
after they have been persisted in the database and log unexpected collisions.
This feature has been removed since it is rather useless with many databases in strict mode nowadays and since the default configuration was to not actually check single fields but to still create overhead by always querying records from the database without benefit.
Two TYPO3_
toggles have been obsoleted:
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['BE'] ['check Stored Records'] $GLOBALS
['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['BE'] ['check Stored Records Loose']
Two Data
properties have been marked as deprecated:
CMS\ Core\ Data Handling\ Data Handler->check Stored Records \TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Data Handling\ Data Handler->check Stored Records_ loose
There should be little to no impact for instances, except some less database
queries when using the Data
. Extensions setting the Data
properties should stop using them, they will be removed with TYPO3 v14 and
have no functionality with v13 anymore.
Affected installations
In rare cases, instances with extensions setting the Data
are affected. The extension scanner will find possible usages with a weak
Instances setting the TYPO3_
toggles in settings.
are updated silently by the install tool during the upgrade process to TYPO3 v13.
Extensions aiming for compatibility with TYPO3 v12 and v13 can continue to set the
properties Data
and Data
they are kept in v13, but functionality bound to them is removed.
Extensions aiming for compatibility with TYPO3 v13 and above should remove
usages of Data
and Data
they are without functionality in TYPO v13 and will be removed with TYPO3 v14.