Feature: #61361 - Template Path Fallback for Fluid StandaloneView and FLUIDTEMPLATE

See forge#61361



Earlier in the development of Fluid, a template fallback was introduced in the TemplateView, providing the possibility to pass a set of possible file locations to the View Configuration, where Templates, Layouts and Partials can be found.

The same functionality is now available in the StandaloneView. It is possible to let the system look up the fitting paths for Partials and Layouts. It is in the nature of the StandaloneView to get a specific template file set, so for Templates there is no lookup requirement.

As a developer or integrator, you can configure your View as follows:

$view = $this->objectManager->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\View\StandaloneView::class);
$view->setTemplatePathAndFileName(ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('myExt') . 'Resources/Private/Templates/Email.html');
  'default' => ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('myExt') . 'Resources/Private/Layouts',
  'specific' => ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('myTemplateExt') . 'Resources/Private/Layouts/MyExt',
  'default' => ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('myExt') . 'Resources/Private/Partials',
  'specific' => ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('myTemplateExt') . 'Resources/Private/Layouts/MyExt',
  'evenMoreSpecific' => 'fileAdmin/templates/myExt/Partials',

With this, the View will first look up the requested layout file in the path with the key specific, and in case there is no such file, it will fall back to default. For the partials the sequence would be evenMoreSpecific, then specific, then fall back to default.

You are free in the naming of the keys. The paths are searched from bottom to top. In case you choose for numeric array keys, the array is ordered first, then reversed for the lookup, so the highest index is accessed first.


Additionally the TypoScript Content Object FLUIDTEMPLATE, which is based on StandaloneView, also supports this kind of fallback mechanism. Two new TypoScript options are added for this purpose:

  • partialRootPaths
  • layoutRootPaths

Example usage:

page.10.file = EXT:sitedesign/Resources/Private/Templates/Main.html
page.10.partialRootPaths {
  10 = EXT:sitedesign/Resources/Private/Partials
  20 = EXT:sitemodification/Resources/Private/Partials

In case you're using the old options (partialRootPath, layoutRootPath) together with the new options, the content of the old options will be placed at the first position (index zero) in the fallback list.


In order to change the skin of an extension output, provided by the Fluid StandaloneView, you are no longer required to copy the whole Resources folder into fileadmin or to some specific location, but you can pick only the files you want to change. Those need to be organized in folders, which are then configured for the view. The system will fall through all the provided locations, taking the first fitting file it finds.