Deprecation: #73209 - Deprecated flex page TSConfig

See forge#73209


Setting page TSConfig values PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID, PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST and PAGE_TSCONFIG_STR for flexform fields globally has been marked as deprecated, specific fields must be set now.

Example for a now deprecated global TSConfig value:

TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID = 42

This should now be restricted to specific fields of the flexfrom data structure, if for example the flexform foreign_table_where of field settings.categories of a tt_content plugin`s data structure should be set, the new page TSConfig option should look like:

TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.theDataStructure.theSheet.settings\.categories.PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID = 42

Note that any dots within the field name must be escaped with '\', this is a typical scenario for extbase.


This pageTSConfig cannot be set for section elements anymore: PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID, PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST and PAGE_TSCONFIG_STR do not have any effect on repeatable elements.

Affected Installations

Installations that set PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID, PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST and PAGE_TSCONFIG_STR for flexform fields globally should be restricted to set those values for single elements.


Search for PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID, PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST and PAGE_TSCONFIG_STR and restrict them to single fields as outlined above.