Breaking: #79273 - Removed RteHtmlParser proc options

See forge#79273


The following TSconfig options for processing content of RTE fields have been removed:

  • RTE.default.proc.dontConvBRtoParagraph
  • RTE.default.proc.dontProtectUnknownTags_rte
  • RTE.default.proc.dontConvAmpInNBSP_rte


Setting any of these options has no effect anymore.

Content coming from the database towards the RTE will now always keep unknown tags (but HSC'ed), and never have any double-encoded   characters - this was a default since a decade already.

Content stored in the database will now always treat <br> tags as intentional and not treat them like paragraphs, a behaviour which is common in modern Rich Text Editors.

Affected Installations

Installations explicitly setting RTE.default.proc.dontConvBRtoParagraph = 0, RTE.default.proc.dontProtectUnknownTags_rte = 1 or RTE.default.proc.dontConvAmpInNBSP_rte = 1 might experience different results when editing and saving content via an RTE.


Remove the TSconfig options, as they have no effect anymore. Any custom implementation which is necessary should be handled via separate entryHtmlParser and exitHtmlParsers in both directions.