Important: #85044 - Filter disallowed properties in form editor
See forge#85044
The form editor save and preview actions now check the submitted form definition against configured possibilities within the form editor setup.
If a form element property is defined in the form editor setup then it means that the form element property can be written by the form editor. A form element property can be written if the property path is defined within the following form editor properties:
Elements Definition.<form Element Type>. form Editor. editors.<index>. property Path form
Elements Definition.<form Element Type>. form Editor. editors.<index>.*. property Path form
Elements Definition.<form Element Type>. form Editor. editors.<index>. additional Element Property Paths form
Elements Definition.<form Element Type>. form Editor. property Collections.<finishers |validators>.<index>. editors.<index>. additional Element Property Paths
If a form editor property template
is "Inspector-PropertyGridEditor" or "Inspector-MultiSelectEditor" or "Inspector-ValidationErrorMessageEditor"
it means that the form editor property property
is interpreted as a so called "multiValueProperty".
A "multiValueProperty" can contain any subproperties relative to the value from property
which are valid.
If form
= "Inspector-PropertyGridEditor" and form
= ""
then (for example) "" is a valid property path to write.
If a form elements finisher|validator property is defined in the form editor setup then it means that the form elements finisher|validator property can be written by the form editor. A form elements finisher|validator property can be written if the property path is defined within the following form editor properties:
Elements Definition.<form Element Type>. form Editor. property Collections.<finishers |validators>.<index>. editors.<index>. property Path form
Elements Definition.<form Element Type>. form Editor. property Collections.<finishers |validators>.<index>. editors.<index>.*. property Path
If a form elements finisher|validator property template
is "Inspector-PropertyGridEditor" or "Inspector-MultiSelectEditor" or "Inspector-ValidationErrorMessageEditor"
it means that the form editor property property
is interpreted as a so called "multiValueProperty".
A "multiValueProperty" can contain any subproperties relative to the value from property
which are valid.
If form
= "Inspector-PropertyGridEditor"
and form
= ""
that (for example) "" is a valid property path to write.
If you use a custom form editor JavaScript "inspector editor" implementation (see
which does not define the writable property paths by one of the above described inspector editor properties (e.g property
) within the form setup,
you must provide the writable property paths with a hook. Otherwise the editor will fail when saving.
Connect to the hook:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['buildFormDefinitionValidationConfiguration'][] = \Vendor\YourNamespace\YourClass::class;
Use the hook:
The hook must return an array with a set of ValidationDto objects.
* @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Configuration\FormDefinition\Validators\ValidationDto $validationDto
* @return array
public function addAdditionalPropertyPaths(\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Configuration\FormDefinition\Validators\ValidationDto $validationDto): array
// Create a ValidationDto object for the form element type "Form" (:yaml:`formElementsDefinition.<formElementType>`).
$formValidationDto = $validationDto->withFormElementType('Form');
// Create a ValidationDto object for the finishers for the form element type "Form".
$formFinishersValidationDto = $formValidationDto->withPropertyCollectionName('finishers');
// Create a ValidationDto object for the form element type "Text" (:yaml:`formElementsDefinition.<formElementType>`).
$textValidationDto = $validationDto->withFormElementType('Text');
// Create a ValidationDto object for the validators for the form element type "Text".
$textValidatorsValidationDto = $textValidationDto->withPropertyCollectionName('validators');
// Create a ValidationDto object for the form element type "Date" (:yaml:`formElementsDefinition.<formElementType>`).
$dateValidationDto = $validationDto->withFormElementType('Date');
$propertyPaths = [
// Register the property :yaml:`` for the form element type "Form".
// This property can now be written by the form editor.
// Register the property :yaml:`` for the finisher "MyCustomFinisher" for the form element type "Form".
// "MyCustomFinisher" must be equal to the identifier property from
// your custom inspector editor (:yaml:`formElementsDefinition.Form.formEditor.propertyCollections.finishers.<index>.editors.<index>.identifier`)
// This property can now be written by the form editor.
// Register the properties :yaml:`` and :yaml:`` for the form element type "Text".
// This property can now be written by the form editor.
// Register the property :yaml:`` for the validator "CustomValidator" for the form element type "Text".
// "CustomValidator" must be equal to the identifier property from
// your custom inspector editor (:yaml:`formElementsDefinition.Text.formEditor.propertyCollections.validators.<index>.editors.<index>.identifier`)
// This property can now be written by the form editor.
// ..
return $propertyPaths;