Deprecation: #84637 - TemplateService->linkData() functionality moved in PageLinkBuilder
See forge#84637
In the process of streamlining the link generation to pages in the Frontend, the master method
and all functionality regarding resolving of the according Mount Point parameters
have been migrated into the TypoLink PageLinkBuilder class.
The following methods have been marked as deprecated:
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Template Service->link Data TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Template Service->get From MPmap TYPO3\
CMS\ Core\ Typo Script\ Template Service->init MPmap_ create
Calling any of the methods above will trigger a PHP deprecation warning.
Affected Installations
Any TYPO3 installations with third-party extensions calling the methods directly, extensions using the
existing hook $GLOBALS
will work the same way.
Access the corresponding new methods within Page
instead of the TemplateService-related
methods, or use the existing hook to modify parameters for a URL.