Important: #100207 - Let DataMapper::createEmptyObject() use doctrine/instantiator
See forge#100207
This document explains the intended way in which the Extbase ORM thaws/hydrates objects.
Hydrating objects
Hydrating (the term originates from doctrine/
), or in Extbase terms thawing, is
the act of creating an object from a given database row. The responsible class involved
is the Data
. During the process of hydrating, the Data
objects to map the raw database data onto.
Before diving into the framework internals, let's take a look at models from the user's perspective.
Creating objects with constructor arguments
Imagine you have a table tx_
and a corresponding model
or entity (entity is used as a synonym here) \Vendor\
Now, also imagine there is a domain rule which states, that all blogs must have a
title. This rule can easily be followed by letting the blog class have a constructor
with a required argument string $title
class Blog extends AbstractEntity
protected ObjectStorage $posts;
public function __construct(protected string $title)
$this->posts = new ObjectStorage();
This example also shows how the posts
property is initialized. It is done in
the constructor because PHP does not allow setting a default value that is of
type object.
Hydrating objects with constructor arguments
Whenever the user creates new blog objects in extension code, the aforementioned
domain rule is followed. It is also possible to work on the posts
without further initialization. new Blog
is all I need to create
a blog object with a valid state.
What happens in the Data
however, is a totally different thing. When
hydrating an object, the Data
cannot follow any domain rules. Its only
job is to map the raw database values onto a Blog
instance. The Data
could of course detect constructor arguments and try to guess which argument
corresponds to what property but only if there is an easy mapping, i.e. if the
constructor takes argument string $title
and updates property title
with it.
To avoid possible errors due to guessing, the Data
ignores the constructor at all. It does so with the help of the library doctrine/instantiator.
This pretty much explains the title of this document in detail. But there is more to all this.
Initializing objects
Have a look at the $posts
property in the example above. If the Data
ignores the constructor, that property is in an invalid state, i.e. uninitialized.
To address this problem and possible others, the Data
will call the method
on models, if it exists.
Here is an updated version of the model:
class Blog extends AbstractEntity
protected ObjectStorage $posts;
public function __construct(protected string $title)
public function initializeObject(): void
$this->posts = new ObjectStorage();
This example demonstrates how Extbase expects the user to set up their model(s). If
method initialize
is used for initialization logic that needs to be
triggered on initial creation AND on hydration. Please mind that __
SHOULD call initialize
If there are no domain rules to follow, the recommended way to set up a model
would then still be to define a __
and initialize
method like this:
class Blog extends AbstractEntity
protected ObjectStorage $posts;
public function __construct()
public function initializeObject(): void
$this->posts = new ObjectStorage();
Mutating objects
I'd like to add a few more words on mutators (setter, adder, etc.). One might think that
uses mutators during object hydration but it DOES NOT. mutators
are the only way for the user (developer) to implement business rules besides
using the constructor.
The Data
uses the @internal
method Abstract
to update object properties. This looks a bit dirty and is a way around all business
rules but that's what the Data
needs in order to leave the mutators
the users.
While Data
does not use any mutators, other parts of Extbase do.
Both, validation and property mapping, either use existing mutators or gather
type information from them. This will change in the future but as of TYPO3 v12 LTS
this information is correct.
Property visibility
One important thing to know is that Extbase needs entity properties to be protected
or public. As written in the former paragraph, Abstract
is used to bypass setters. Abstract
however, is not able to access
private properties of child classes, hence the need to have protected or public
Dependency injection
Without digging too deep into this topic the following statements have to be made. Extbase expects entities to be so called prototypes, i.e. classes that do have a different state per instance. DataMapper DOES NOT use dependency injection for the creation of entities, i.e. it does not query the object container. This also means, that dependency injection is not possible in entities.
If you think that your entities need to use/access services, you need to find other ways to implement it.