Search word length

By default ke_search only finds words with a minimum length of four characters. This corresponds to the MySQL setting ft_min_word_len which is set to 4 by default.

The value can be adjusted by following these steps:

  1. Change ft_min_word_len to the desired value in your MySQL configuration

    This can be done, e.g. in file my.cnf. In the example below it will set to 3:

    ft_min_word_len = 3

    A better way would be on Debian-derived systems to use a file like /etc/mysql/conf.d/fulltext.cnf to separate the default values in my.cnf with your custom settings.

    After the adjustment the MySQL server has to be restarted.

  2. Set Basic > Change searchword length in the extension configuration to the same value

    Change searchword length in the extension configuration

    Change searchword length in the extension configuration

  3. Re-index your content

    Either by just running the indexer again (full indexing is necessary) or by executing the following SQL command:

    REPAIR TABLE tx_kesearch_index QUICK;