
All the search words that are submitted by frontend users are stored in statistic tables. This function is activated by default but can be deactivated in the plugin configuration.

Statistics checkbox in plugin

You can see the statistics in the backend module by selecting Searchword statistics or by using the dashboard widget.

The dashboard widget shows the search phrases used in the last seven days for the whole system (ignoring the folders in which the data is stored).

The backend module function shows a simple statistic of the submitted searchwords of the last 30 days. The statistic shows the cumulative values for single searchwords. Maybe this will be extended in a later version.

Searchword statistics in backend module

Differences between folders and other pages

If you call the statistics function for a folder you will get the cumulative values for all statistic data that is stored there. If you call it for a page of another type you will get the cumulative values for searchwords that were entered on this explicit page.

Technical background

Search phrases go to the table tx_kesearch_stat_search. Single search words are stored in the table tx_kesearch_stat_words.

The statistic data is stored in the folder that is set as the first storage point in your plugin configuration. Make sure that you set the FlexForm configuration option for activating the statistics function in the correct plugin if it does not work as expected. E.g. if you have several searchbox plugins that point to one central search result page, the value must be set on this result page.

Garbage collection

Since version 5.5.1 the statistic tables are registered for garbage collection. This means that the garbage collection scheduler task will delete old entries from the tables. The default value for the garbage collection is 180 days. You can change this value in the scheduler task configuration.

This is useful if you use the "Autocomplete" feature of ke_search_premium because the autocomplete function uses the statistic tables to propose search words. If you have a lot of old data in the tables, the autocomplete function will propose old search words that are not relevant anymore or the performance of the autocomplete function will decrease.

To activate garbage collection, please add two scheduler tasks of type Table garbage collection and select the tables tx_kesearch_stat_search and tx_kesearch_stat_words.

Table garbage collection scheduler task