
ke_search renders images (icons and thumbnails) in the list view for the following cases.

  • Icons for the type of result (page, news, file, ...)
  • Preview images for pages
  • Preview images for news (using the first image of the news record)
  • Preview images for files (thumbnails will be created automatically for PDF and image files)

You can enable / disable them in the plugin configuration.

"Images" tab in plugin view

Type icons

You can change the icons which are used in the list view.

Example configuration (Template Setup): = EXT:mysite/Resources/Public/Images/example-icon.png

page stands for the record type and corresponds to the indexer type. For file formats like xls, doc etc. you can use file_xls, file_doc etc.

Page preview images

If enabled in the plugin configuration, the image set in the page properties Search > Search result image will be shown in the result list. If no image is set there, it falls back to Resources > Media.

Changing the size of images

To change the size of the images, you will have to adjust the corresponding fluid partial. Please have a look at the partial ResultRow.html in the section "typeIconOrPreviewImage".

Images in custom indexers

If you have implemented a custom indexer you can display images which are attached to the original record.

The image needs to be attached as FAL record to the original record.

The configuration setting shown below has to be added to your ext_localconf.php.

  • INDEXER_KEY is the key of your custom indexer (column type in the table tx_kesearch_index).
  • table refers to the column tablenames in the table sys_file_reference
  • field refers to the column fieldnames in the table sys_file_reference
  • TABLE_NAME is the table of the original record
  • IMAGE_FIELD_NAME is the column of the original record where the image is attached
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ke_search']['fileReferenceTypes'][INDEXER_KEY]['table'] = TABLE_NAME;
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ke_search']['fileReferenceTypes'][INDEXER_KEY]['field'] = IMAGE_FIELD_NAME;

This example shows the configuration for the fe_users table if your indexer configuration key is also fe_users:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ke_search']['fileReferenceTypes']['fe_users']['table'] = 'fe_users';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ke_search']['fileReferenceTypes']['fe_users']['field'] = 'image';