Searchbox on every page
There are multiple ways to integrate the searchbox on every page.
- By creating a content element and including this on every page
- As plain HTML
- Directly using TypoScript
Since version 4.2.0 there's a plugin "Cachable searchbox". It is recommended to use this over "Searchbox" because this plugin won't disable caching of the entire page where it's used. Only drawback is that the plugin options won't get updated by the search currently performed, e. g. all the filter options will be shown even if they do not appear in the result list (the normal searchbox will only show the options which are available in the result list).
Best practice is to include the "Cachable searchbox" on every page and then on the result page use standard "Searchbox" plugin.
Including searchbox as a content element
- Create a folder where you want to store the searchbox content element.
- Insert a "Cachable searchbox" plugin and configure it as you wish.
- Add that content element to every page with TypoScript, e. g.:
# Include searchbox as a content element
lib.searchbox = RECORDS
lib.searchbox {
tables = tt_content
source = 7
Where 7
is the UID of your searchbox content element.
You can then include the searchbox in your main page template, e. g.:
page = PAGE
page.5 < lib.searchbox
page.10 < styles.content.get
On the search result page you should then remove the searchbox:
page.5 >
Include searchbox with plain HTML
# Include searchbox as plain HTML
lib.searchbox_html = TEXT
lib.searchbox_html.value (
<form method="get" id="form_kesearch_searchfield" name="form_kesearch_searchfield" action="/search/">
<input type="text" id="ke_search_searchfield_sword" name="tx_kesearch_pi1[sword]" placeholder="Your search phrase" />
<input type="submit" id="ke_search_searchfield_submit" alt="Find" />
# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.5 < lib.searchbox_html
page.10 < styles.content.get
The action "/search/" ist the slug of the page you created with your result list plugin.
Include searchbox with TypoScript
This is only possible without displaying filters as they are configured in a FlexForm. If you need filters, it's recommended to include the searchbox as content element as shown above.
# Include searchbox as a plugin
lib.searchbox_plugin = COA
lib.searchbox_plugin {
10 < plugin.tx_kesearch_pi3
# result page
10.resultPage = 123
# CSS file
10.cssFile = EXT:ke_search/Resources/Public/Css/ke_search_pi1.css
# Content element (search box plugin) from which additional
# configuration should be loaded (UID of content element).
# Important: If you have two search boxes on your result page
# (eg. in the top and in the left area), you should set this value!
# 10.loadFlexformsFromOtherCE = 123456
The number 123
in this case is a placeholder for the page ID you created with your result list plugin.
You can then include the searchbox in your main page template, e. g.:
page = PAGE
page.5 < lib.searchbox_plugin
page.10 < styles.content.get
On the search result page you should then remove the searchbox:
page.5 >