Objects executing database queries

  • CONTENT can be used to access arbitrary tables of TYPO3 CMS internals. This does not only include table "tt_content", but extension tables can also be referenced. The select function makes it possible to generate complex SQL queries.
  • RECORDS can be used to reference specific data records. This is very helpful if the same text has to be present on all pages. By using RECORDS, a single content element can be defined and shown. Thus, an editor can edit the content without having to copy the element repetitively. This object is also used by the content element type "Insert records".

    In the following example, the email address from an address record is rendered and linked as email at the same time:

    page.80 = RECORDS
    page.80 {
      source = 1
      tables = tt_address
      conf.tt_address = COA
      conf.tt_address {
        20 = TEXT
        20.stdWrap.field = email
        20.stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = email
  • HMENU imports the page tree and offers comfortable ways to generate a menu of pages or a sitemap. Special menus include the breadcrumb trail, simple list of pages or subpages, a page browser (providing "Previous" and "Next" buttons for a set of pages) and a language selector.