The backend module of an extension can be configured via TypoScript.
The configuration is done in
can be omitted then the setting is used
for all backend modules of that extension.
Even though we are in the backend context here we use TypoScript setup. The settings should be done globally and not changed on a per-page basis. Therefore they are usually done in the file EXT:my_extension/ext_typoscript_setup.typoscript.
Changed in version 12.0
All Core extensions, and in general all extensions that switch to the simplified backend templating no longer use the frontend TypoScript based override approach. This has been superseded by a general override strategy based on TSconfig: templates.
Options for simple backend modules
It is strongly recommended not to use TypoScript in custom backend modules, for example
. Use custom
Page TSconfig in namespace tx_*
The configuring backend modules via frontend TypoScript is flawed by design: It on one hand forces backend modules to parse the full frontend TypoScript, which is a general performance penalty in the backend - the backend then scales with the amount of frontend TypoScript. Also, the implementation is based on the Extbase ConfigurationManager, which leads to the situation that casual non-Extbase backend modules have an indirect dependency to lots of Extbase code.
In simple backend modules extension authors can decide how to use this
namespace. By convention settings should go in the subsection
module.tx_myextension_somemodule {
settings {
enablesomething = 1
Options for Extbase backend modules
Most configuration options that can be done for Extbase frontend plugins can also be done for Extbase backend modules:
- Type
- file path with stdWrap
Changed in version 12.0
All Core extensions, and in general all extensions that switch to the simplified backend templating no longer use the frontend TypoScript based override approach. This has been superseded by a general override strategy based on TSconfig: templates.
Used to define several paths for templates, which are executed in reverse order (the paths are searched from bottom to top). The first folder where the desired layout is found is immediately used. If the array keys are numeric, they are first sorted and then executed in reverse order.
Example: Set the template root paths
module.tx_somebackend_module {
view {
templateRootPaths {
100 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/Backend
- Type
- file path with stdWrap
Changed in version 12.0
All Core extensions, and in general all extensions that switch to the simplified backend templating no longer use the frontend TypoScript based override approach. This has been superseded by a general override strategy based on TSconfig: templates.
Used to define several paths for partials, which will be executed in reverse order. The first folder where the desired partial is found, is used. The keys of the array define the order.
Example: Set the partial root paths
module.tx_somebackend_module {
view {
partialRootPaths {
100 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Partials/Backend
New in version 12.0
Deprecated since version 12.4
Extbase backend modules should no longer expect the namespace to be set. It may be necessary to adapt some Ajax calls and request-related argument checks in custom modules.
Extbase plugins and backend modules traditionally use the plugin / module
namespace to prefix their get parameters and form data. In the frontend context,
this makes sense, as multiple plugins may reside on a page. In the backend,
however, an Extbase module is responsible for rendering a complete view.
Therefore, the namespacing of arguments has been disabled, making URLs easier
to read, more in line with non-Extbase modules and allowing Extbase modules
to directly access outside information like the id
parameter handed over
by the page tree.
To allow Extbase modules to configure this behavior, the Extbase feature
flag enable
can be set in the module
configuration, turning the namespacing off or on.
- features.enableNamespacedArgumentsForBackend
Data type: boolean|
Extbase will by default build and react to backend module links without paying attention to the namespace of the parameters.
A link may look like this:
example. org/ typo3/ module/ web/ Beuser Tx Beuser?action=groups&controller=Backend User If a module explicitly wants to keep using the namespaced version of the arguments, the feature flag can be set:
EXT:my_extension/ext_typoscript_setup.typoscriptmodule.tx_somebackend_module { features { enableNamespacedArgumentsForBackend = 1 } }
Deprecated since version 12.4
Switch to proper routing configuration instead.
- features.skipDefaultArguments
Data type: boolean|
If enabled, default controller and/or action is skipped when creating URIs through the URI Builder. If a link to the default controller or action is created, the parameters are omitted.
EXT:my_extension/ext_typoscript_setup.typoscriptmodule.tx_somebackend_module { features { skipDefaultArguments = 1 } }
- Type
- array<string, mixed>
Here resides all of the settings. These settings are
available in the controller of the backend module as the array variable
Example: Limit pagination in the backend
Show 25 news records in the backend module of the news extension:
module.tx_news {
settings.list.paginate.itemsPerPage = 25
Example: Register YAML file
Register your TYPO3 Form configuration for the backend via TypoScript.
module.tx_form {
settings {
yamlConfigurations {
# Use the current timestamp as key to avoid accidental overwriting
1712163960 = EXT:my_extension/Configuration/Form/CustomFormSetup.yaml