Git Cheat Sheet

This is a short list of commands. If you are not familiar with the workflow yet, make sure you follow the link at the beginning of each section and read the detailed description.

The following commands assume you are in the working directory of the TYPO3 core repository.

git clone

Clone TYPO3 CMS Git repository into current directory:

shell command
git clone .


For detailed setup instructions, please see: Git Setup


Migrate master => main

If you are using an older installation with the master branch you can switch like this from master to main:

shell command
# Make sure that git pull loads from the "main" branch
git branch --set-upstream-to origin/main

# Rename your current "master" branch locally to "main" to match TYPO3's naming scheme
git branch -m master main

Please also adapt your commit message template (if configured) to use "main" instead of "master".

Migrate to GitHub

If you are working with an older t3coredev installation and are not using the GitHub URL yet, you can switch like this:

shell command
# set remote url for "origin"
git remote set-url origin
# set push URL to gerrit (this has not changed)
git config remote.origin.pushurl "ssh://<your-username>"

Workflow - common commands

For details see Create a Patch

Reset repo to last remote commit in (remote) main branch:

shell command
git reset --hard origin/main && git pull origin main

Stage and commit all changes:

shell command
git commit -a

Is the same as:

shell command
git add .
git commit

Stage and commit all changes to already existing commit:

shell command
git commit -a --amend

Push changes to remote main branch on gerrit (default method):

shell command
git push

This assumes, you have correctly configured your remote as described in Setting up Your Remote. If not, you must explicitly push using the refs/for namespace:

shell command
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/main

Workflow - work in progress

In case you want to push a "Work in progress", use the following instead:

shell command
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/main%wip

You can also configure Gerrit to always mark your pushes as WIP. In order to do this head over to and configure "Set new changes" to "work in progress" by default".


Workflow -other branches

Show all branches:

shell command
git branch -a

Checkout 13.4 branch:

shell command
git checkout 13.4

Checkout 12.4 branch:

shell command
git checkout 12.4

Long story short: In most cases, push to main. The rest is being taken care of by core team members!

Push 13.4 branch:

shell command
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/13.4

Push 12.4 branch:

shell command
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/12.4

Workflow - commit msg

Details: Commit Message rules for TYPO3 CMS

Example commit message for a bugfix:

commit message
[BUGFIX] Subject line


Resolves: #12345
Releases: main, 10.4

Other keywords:

  • subject < 52 chars (if possible, otherwise <= 72)
  • other lines <= 72 chars
  • hyperlinks with > 72 chars are allowed when required (Inserting links / long lines)

Workflow - push with Gerrit message

Due to the nature of the commit workflow with gerrit, and a commit always getting amended, you have no individual commit messages for one Gerrit patch set.

To workaround that, you can add small comments to individual patch sets pushed to Gerrit like this:

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/main%m=Fixed_issue_in_JavaScript

Since that notation is a bit bland (no spaces, no linebreaks, no special characters, it can be helpful to utilize a small Bash script:
read -p "Please enter pseudo-commit message: " answer

answer=$(echo "$answer" | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_')
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/main%m=$answer

Replace "main" with possibly other branches (13.4, 12.4, ...) that you may want to push to.

Workflow - Undoing / fixing things

Throw away all changes since last commit:

shell command
git reset HEAD --hard

Unstage a file (remove file from index, but keep in working dir):

shell command
git reset <path>

Change author for last commit:

shell command
git commit --amend --author "Some Name <some@email>"

Squash last 2 commits:

shell command
git rebase -i HEAD~2

In the editor, replace 'pick' with 'squash' in the line describing the latest commit

This is very handy, in case you accidentally created a new commit instead of adding to an existing commit (with git commit --amend). This way, you can merge the last 2 commits and the commit messages.

Information: Where was a patch included?

Sometimes you see an old gerrit issue that was committed and pushed against main, but wonder in which TYPO3 version it was included. Often, you can already deduce from a Releases: main, 12.4 line that it was committed when 13.4 was main. But if you only see Releases: main you might begin to look up the date of a patch and relate it to release dates, or begin to inspect the git repository manually.

But: Hold on! Just check out the Gerrit interface and on the top right you see the menu, from where you also cherry-pick a patch or download a patch. There's a menu entry Included in which will reveal all TYPO3 releases (via GIT tags), a patch was included in.


See also these not TYPO3 specific cheat sheets for git if you are not very familiar with git:

To learn more about the internal working of Git, check out these resources: