Quick Start: Set up DDEV

  1. Set up DDEV with default convention

    Create a suitable ddev configuration
    ddev config \
        --project-name='t3c-main' \
        --project-type='typo3' \
        --docroot='.' \
        --database='mariadb:10.11' \
        --php-version='8.2' \
        --composer-version='stable' \
        --nodejs-version='22' \
        --project-tld='ddev.site' \
        --router-http-port='80' \
        --router-https-port='443' \
        --webserver-type='apache-fpm' \
        --additional-hostnames='t3c-dev.ddev.site,t3c-prod.ddev.site' \
        --timezone='Europe/Berlin' \
        --web-environment='TYPO3_CONTEXT=Development' \

    Adapt parameters as wanted.

    The output should be similar to this:
    Creating a new DDEV project config in the current directory (/.../TYPO3-Contribute)
    Once completed, your configuration will be written to /.../TYPO3-Contribute/.ddev/config.yaml.
    Configuring a 'typo3' named 't3c-main' project with docroot '.' at /.../TYPO3-Contribute
    TYPO3 does not seem to have been set up yet, missing LocalConfiguration.php (/.../TYPO3-Contribute/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php)
    Generating AdditionalConfiguration.php file for database connection.
    Configuration complete. You may now run 'ddev start'.
  2. Start DDEV instance

    Start configured ddev project
    ddev start
    The output should be similar to this:
    Starting t3c-main...
    Building project images...
    .................Project images built in 17s.
    Network ddev-t3cmain_default  Created
    Container ddev-t3c-main-db  Created
    Container ddev-t3c-main-web  Created
    Container ddev-t3c-main-db  Started
    Container ddev-t3c-main-web  Started
    Waiting for containers to become ready: [web db]
    Starting ddev-router if necessary...
    Container ddev-router  Running
    Waiting for additional project containers to become ready...
    All project containers are now ready.
    Successfully started t3c-main
    Project can be reached at https://t3c-main.ddev.site https://t3c-dev.ddev.site.ddev.site https://t3c-prod.ddev.site.ddev.site