Prerequisites and Useful Tools


  • Git
  • Once you have setup the Git repository, it is advised to look at the listed dependencies (basically: Docker) for (see Using


  • IDE with TYPO3 plugins, such as PhpStorm or Visual Studio Code. While you can also use a simple editor, a properly setup IDE will help with code-completion, marking errors and applying coding guidelines.
  • DDEV for setting up the PHP/Database web environment as a base for the TYPO3 installation. Alternative methods are possible (XAMPP, LAMP, MAMP, WAMP, custom docker-compose) or even using a custom locally installed web server and database. DDEV provides custom configurations for TYPO3 which can be used for core development as well, and is an easy-to-use layer on top of docker-compose.

Information on using these tools is covered in detail later on this chapter.