Use EXT:styleguide

It is recommended to use the styleguide extension to auto generate several example pages which can be used for testing the frontend and backend of TYPO3.

The typo3/cms-styleguide extension is part of the TYPO3 core repository. It used mostly to showcase TCA / FormEngine features but has since evolved to provide additional features.

The styleguide extension can create pages within the TYPO3 site, specifically:

  • The "Styleguide TCA demo" will create several pages showcasing TCA features, including examples for common column types.
  • The "Styleguide Frontend" uses a custom TypoScript template provided by the styleguide extension and creates pages which can be viewed in the frontend.


  1. Activate the styleguide extension in the extension manager
  2. Click on ? in the top bar
  3. Click on the Styleguide menu item

    The Styleguide overview appears.

  4. Click on TCA / Records / Frontend
  5. Create pages

    Click the buttons:

    • Create styleguide page tree with data
    • Create styleguide frontend

The pages will now be created. Wait a moment until a flash message appears.