Find a review on Gerrit

For finding an existing review (patch), there are several possibilities. Use whatever is most convenient for you or what fits your needs.


In any case, you can use Forger to search for the review.


  • Sprints TYPO3-Core to see a board of all open core issues by type (Next patchlevel, Regressions)

Email notification

If you are in any way involved in the review (e.g. you are author, reviewer or you made changes), you will get a notification about it to your email address. The notification contains a link.

Gerrit: Your Changes

For your own patches, go to Gerrit and select Your: Changes.

Gerrit: Open Changes

Select Changes : Open to get the latest changes or changes with recent modifications.


Once a patch has been pushed for an issue, the corresponding issue on Forge will contain comments with the topic "Updated by Gerrit Code Review ..." and a link to the review on Gerrit.