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TypoScript options in dataProtect concern data protection such as use of cookies and disclaimer

All dataProtect options are valid per site (S) and were introduced with version 5.5.0

see also chapter “data protection”

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
setCookie boolean Set (1) or don't set (0) a cookie with data of not logged in commenter Cookie data is stored in encoded (unreadable) format. 1
useDisclaimer boolean Shows a Disclaimer menu point above the comments list. (1) 1
useDisclaimerInRatingsOnly boolean Shows a Disclaimer menu point when only ratings are shown (ratings.ratingsOnly=1) 0
disclaimerPageID int+ ID of page with additional policy for data protection, link shown in disclaimer menu  
disclaimerSystemCheck boolean Checks cookies, if database is on same server, checks if https is enabled and then shows a security rating of the site. 1
disclaimerFromTocToc boolean

Shows the software creators disclaimer in the disclaimer

It links to a webpage on