This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


All debug options are valid per webpage (W)

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
useDebug boolean Use of debugging features such as run-times, caching and session resets. 0
useDebugFeUserIds string List with Fe_users.uid that are used for debugging, comma-separated  
Options setup-only      
showStartupDetails boolean Show details on Startup-times useDebug must be 1 and useDebugFeUserId set to correct fe_users.uid. 0
showLibDetails boolean Show details on times used in main file toctoc_comment_lib.php. useDebug must be 1 and useDebugFeUserId set to correct fe_users.uid. 0
showDropsfromBoxmodel boolean Inconsistent entries in a boxmodel get dropped. Here you can turn on the protocol to see the drops 0
showCSScomments boolean

Inserts comments in final CSS-output referencing boxmodell additions and more meta information on how the CSS was buildt.

(S) (V 5.0.0.)