This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


jQuery: It's up to the programmer who put the extension in your site to link the jQuery-File.

Often jQuery is already used in a site, then you just need to make sure that the version of the jQuery in use is newer than 1.8.

jQuery must be loaded before all other JavaScript files, thus in the beginning of the <head> of the webpage.

We deliver a working version (1.10.2) in directory /resources if you don't use it already.

Note : Lightboxes often use the rel=sometext[index] – syntax in the href tags.

Newer versions of jQuery do not support the [] brackets anymore. To make it work again make the brackets disappear.

! Do not use the present file res/js/jquery.js for the frontend, This version of jQuery is used in the backend and it's version is to low for the frontend. Use the jQuery in /resources if you need one in the frontend.

jQuery tools: is present in folder res/js, but please use