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In option group register there are all options relevant to User Sign up

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
enableSignup boolean Enable sign up 1
usergroup string setup default usergroup(s)-uids setup when registering, separated by commas 1
signupUseCaptcha options Use a captcha during sign up 1 is extension captcha, 2 is sr_freecap 2
signupRequireFirstname   Make first name of the new user mandatory 1
newUserMinLength int+ Minimal length required for a new username 6
signupConfirmEmail boolean

Require confirmation of e-mail for new users. If active the user cannot enter the passwort when creating the account. He will get an e-mail with a link to reset the password first, similar to the forgot password.

( V 7.4.0)

signupAdminConfirmation boolean

New users need to be confirmed by administrator: new user confirmation by administrator uses eID-interface for admin authorizations and send notification mail to new user.

See also TS-Options for email templates: tx_toctoc_comments_pi1.advanced.notificationForNewUserEmailTemplate

( V 7.4.1)