This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

What can be commented, rated or shared ?

Comments/Reviews Ratings Sharing
Pages Yes *** Yes *** Yes
Content Elements Yes Yes Yes *
Multiple times in content elements ** Yes Yes Yes *
Records in extensions DETAIL views Yes Yes Yes *
News in tt_news LIST view Yes Yes Yes *
Ratings on comments NA Yes NA
Specified content elements Yes Yes Yes *
Specified records Yes Yes Yes *

* Sharing shows up but the sharing content is always the page containing the comments.

** Possible In TemplaVoila flexible content elements (FCE), plugin identification is achieved with OptionalRecordIDs.

*** Comments and ratings on pages imply that only one toctoc_comments plugin is present on a page.


Shortcuts to plugins on other pages work Can be used in FCE as TypoScript-Only Object


toctoc_comments can be used as TypoScript-Object and placed in the page by TypoScript

PHP code of other pibase-extensions

Plugin can be called from code for a specific record. (comparable to a ViewHelper)